Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Good Samaritans Save Vancouver Shopkeeper From Knifepoint Robbery

Three passersby came to the rescue of an East Vancouver shopkeeper who was attacked by a knife-wielding masked man on the night of Sept. 7.
As she called out for help, the man pulled her into a lane.
A passerby immediately flagged down two men in a car, and the three began yelling at the suspect until he released the victim and fled.
“Three total strangers acted bravely and decisively when a fellow citizen was in danger, and in doing so they stopped this violent crime in progress,” said Sgt. Steve Addison in the statement.
“We are grateful to these three men for their quick thinking, and for the actions they took to help someone in need.”
One of the Good Samaritans called 911, and more than 30 police officers arrived at the scene. They collected evidence and began to search for the suspect.
The victim did not suffer serious injuries, according to police. She was taken to the hospital and is recovering.
